Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Storm Front

Clouds gather, skies open,
thighs part in praise
as heavy, humid rains of sweat, lust, and rum
quench the unseasonal drought
of unbearable duration.
Winds of hot, dry unrest calm in the damp,comforting pressure
of a body pressed against mine
in saited sleep.

Now, left alone with nothing but the
satisfying soreness of body, and bruise of lips,
a hollow chill settles deep in the darkening sky,
and a wicked wind whips in the fury of a silent phone.


we_be_toys said...

Whew! Is it hot in here or what?

This was really good - I like the way your imagery pulled it all together, and dammit - you always write better poetry than me!

"Being bad feels pretty good"
- The Breakfast Club

Barb said...

That just said so much.. I remember those times.

bandick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bandick said...

Bah! What am I doing? I just got finger-spasmy and deleted my own comment, which is saying something since I had to click two times to do it. When the "are you sure" popped up, my brain screamed NOOOO but was over-ridden by the finger.

I think the comment was:
Really good. Smiley face in red pen good.

Or something like that...I'd better get off the computer before I accidentally launch a nuclear missile.

flutter said...


Vodka Mom said...

whew! I LOVED it. Now, I'm off to wake up mister....

Anonymous said...

Even with all the passion in this poem, I get the sense that there's still something missing . . . not quite right . . . askew, if you will.

Lovely. Erotic. Deep.

You rock, my sexed-up friend . . .

FairiesNest said...


Hanlie said...

Nice! I'm not much into poetry, but I get this... (Pant, pant!)

Gypsy said...

Did you get laid? I hope you got laid. Did you?

Because that was hot like flesh.

Heather said...


Anonymous said...

I love your labels for that post...really great.

Dean said...

Fantastic poem! I love the bipolar, mirror-like properties of this one. The first stanza exstatic and the second so low. Nice work!

Dean said...

LOL - exstatic! No pun intended! I think I meant ecstatic :)

StuckOnGreyStreet said...

I'm not usually a poem person. I always feel like the dumb one who never gets it. I get this...I absolutely get this - the euphoric high..and the waiting and the longing. I admire your courage to share something so personal - that there is someone else out there on the roller coaster..

Vodka Mom said...

This poem is JUST as great the second time around. I still need a cigarette. whew.

Gwen said...

Silent post-coital phones suck.

Ben and Bennie said...

So like Gypsy asked, did you get laid? If you did I'm glad somebody is getting some!

Now I'm off to take a cold shower.

Deb said...

Great poetry. It made me feel what you are feeling. I admire that talent.

Real Live Lesbian said...

Beware the Captain! Love the words!